Dynamic Model-driven Parallel I/O Performance Tuning. Behzad, B., Byna, S., Wild, S. M., Prabhat, & Snir, M. In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pages 184–193, 2015-09.
doi  bibtex   
  author    = {Babak Behzad and Surendra Byna and Stefan M. Wild and {Prabhat} and Marc Snir},
  title     = {Dynamic Model-driven Parallel {I/O} Performance Tuning},
  booktitle = {Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on},
  pages     = {184--193},
  aurl      = {http://www.mcs.anl.gov/papers/P5278-0115.pdf},
  year      = {2015-09},
  doi       = {10.1109/CLUSTER.2015.37},
  mnumber   = {ANL/MCS-P5278-0115},

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