Captivating Technology. Benjamin, R. Duke University Press Books, Durham, June, 2019. 🏷️ /unread
abstract   bibtex   
The contributors to Captivating Technology examine how carceral technologies such as electronic ankle monitors and predictive-policing algorithms are being deployed to classify and coerce specific populations and whether these innovations can be appropriated and reimagined for more liberatory ends. 【摘要翻译】Captivating Technology》一书的撰稿人探讨了电子脚踝监视器和预测性警务算法等监禁技术是如何被用来对特定人群进行分类和胁迫的,以及这些创新是否可以被挪用和重新想象,以实现更自由的目的。
	address = {Durham},
	title = {Captivating {Technology}},
	isbn = {978-1-4780-0381-6},
	shorttitle = {引人入胜的技术},
	abstract = {The contributors to Captivating Technology examine how carceral technologies such as electronic ankle monitors and predictive-policing algorithms are being deployed to classify and coerce specific populations and whether these innovations can be appropriated and reimagined for more liberatory ends.

【摘要翻译】Captivating Technology》一书的撰稿人探讨了电子脚踝监视器和预测性警务算法等监禁技术是如何被用来对特定人群进行分类和胁迫的,以及这些创新是否可以被挪用和重新想象,以实现更自由的目的。},
	language = {en},
	publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
	author = {Benjamin, Ruha},
	month = jun,
	year = {2019},
	note = {🏷️ /unread},
	keywords = {/unread},

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