Clinically-Inspired Automatic Classification of Ovarian Carcinoma Subtypes. BenTaieb, A., Nosrati, M., Li-Chang, H., Huntsman, D., & Hamarneh, G. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 7(1):1-28, 2016.
doi  bibtex   
   AUTHOR       = {Aicha BenTaieb and Masoud Nosrati and Hector Li-Chang and 
      David Huntsman and Ghassan Hamarneh},
   JOURNAL      = {Journal of Pathology Informatics},
   OPTMONTH     = {},
   OPTNOTE      = {},
   NUMBER       = {1},
   PAGES        = {1-28},
   TITLE        = {Clinically-Inspired Automatic Classification of Ovarian 
      Carcinoma Subtypes},
   VOLUME       = {7},
   YEAR         = {2016},
   DOI          = {10.4103/2153-3539.186899},
   OPTISBN      = {},
   OPTISSN      = {},
   KEYWORDS     = {Color, Machine Learning, Microscopy},
   OPTURL       = {},
   PDF          = {}

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