I/O Logic in HOL. Benzmüller, C., Farjami, A., Meder, P., & Parent, X. Journal of Applied Logics – IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications (Special Issue: Reasoning for Legal AI), 6(5):715–732, 2019.
I/O Logic in HOL [link]Preprint  I/O Logic in HOL [link]Paper  bibtex   4 downloads  
  Author =	 {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller and Ali Farjami and Paul
                  Meder and Xavier Parent},
  Journal =	 {Journal of Applied Logics -- IfCoLoG Journal of
                  Logics and their Applications (Special Issue:
                  Reasoning for Legal AI)},
  Editor =	 {Robaldo, Livio and van der Torre, Leon},
  Title =	 {{I/O} Logic in {HOL}},
  Pages =	 {715--732},
  Volume =	 6,
  Number =	 5,
  url_preprint = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332786587},
  Url =
  Year =	 2019,

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