Second-Order Recursive Filtering on the Rigid-Motion Lie Group SE(3) Based on Nonlinear Observations. Berger, J., Lenzen, F., Becker, F., Neufeld, A., & Schnörr, C. 2015. ArXiv, preprint
Second-Order Recursive Filtering on the Rigid-Motion Lie Group SE(3) Based on Nonlinear Observations [link]Paper  bibtex   
  Title                    = {{S}econd-{O}rder {R}ecursive {F}iltering on the {R}igid-{M}otion {L}ie {G}roup {SE}(3) {B}ased on {N}onlinear {O}bservations},
  Author                   = {Berger, Johannes and Lenzen, Frank and Becker, Florian and Neufeld, Andreas and {Sch}n{\"o}rr, Christoph},
  Note                     = {ArXiv, preprint},
  Year                     = {2015},
  Eprint                   = {1206.0111},
  Url                      = {},
  Pdf                      = {Papers/Berger-et-al-2015b.pdf}

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