A Language for Platform Independent Communication and Storage in Multiobjective Optimization. Berry, A. & Vamplew, P. W. In Proceedings of AISAT 2004: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology, pages 308--313, Hobart, Australia, November, 2004. University of Tasmania, ISBN 1862952094.
   author = {Adam Berry and Peter W. Vamplew},
   title = {A {L}anguage for {P}latform {I}ndependent {C}ommunication and
   {S}torage in {M}ultiobjective {O}ptimization},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of AISAT 2004: International Conference on
   Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology},
   editor = {M. Negnevitsky},
   publisher = {University of Tasmania, ISBN 1862952094},
   pages = {308--313},
   address = {Hobart, Australia},
   month = {November},
   year = {2004}

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