Timed behavioural modelling and affine scheduling of embedded software architectures in the AADL using Polychrony. Besnard, L., Bouakaz, A., Gautier, T., Le Guernic, P., Ma, Y., Talpin, J., & Yu, H. Science of Computer Programming, 106:54–77, 2015. tex.ids= besnardTimedBehaviouralModelling2015a, besnardTimedBehaviouralModelling2015b publisher: Elsevier
doi  bibtex   
	title = {Timed behavioural modelling and affine scheduling of embedded software architectures in the {AADL} using {Polychrony}},
	volume = {106},
	doi = {10/gdtg43},
	journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
	author = {Besnard, Loïc and Bouakaz, Adnan and Gautier, Thierry and Le Guernic, Paul and Ma, Yue and Talpin, Jean-Pierre and Yu, Huafeng},
	year = {2015},
	note = {tex.ids= besnardTimedBehaviouralModelling2015a, besnardTimedBehaviouralModelling2015b
publisher: Elsevier},
	pages = {54--77},

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