Lesniewski's Early Liar, Tarski and Natural Language. Betti, A. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 127(1-3):267–287, 2004. Paper abstract bibtex This paper shows that it was not Tarski, but Lesniewski who first avowed the impossibility of giving a satisfactory theory of truth for ordinary language, and the necessity of sanitation of the latter for scientific purposes. In an early article (1913) Lesniewski gave an interesting solution to the liar paradox, which, although different from Tarski's in detail, is nevertheless important to Tarski's semantic background. To illustrate this I give an analysis of Lesniewski's solution and of some related aspects of Lesniewski's later thought. (edited)
title = {Lesniewski's {Early} {Liar}, {Tarski} and {Natural} {Language}},
volume = {127},
url = {http://dare.ubvu.vu.nl/handle/1871/10871},
abstract = {This paper shows that it was not Tarski, but Lesniewski who first avowed the impossibility of giving a satisfactory theory of truth for ordinary language, and the necessity of sanitation of the latter for scientific purposes. In an early article (1913) Lesniewski gave an interesting solution to the liar paradox, which, although different from Tarski's in detail, is nevertheless important to Tarski's semantic background. To illustrate this I give an analysis of Lesniewski's solution and of some related aspects of Lesniewski's later thought. (edited)},
number = {1-3},
journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
author = {Betti, Arianna},
year = {2004},
keywords = {lesniewski, liar s paradox, logic, metalanguage, s, semantics, tarski, truth},
pages = {267--287},