The impact of the medium and the jet-medium coupling on jet measurements at RHIC and LHC. Betz, B., Senzel, F., Greiner, C., & Gyulassy, M. 12, 2015.
The impact of the medium and the jet-medium coupling on jet measurements at RHIC and LHC [pdf]Paper  The impact of the medium and the jet-medium coupling on jet measurements at RHIC and LHC [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
We compare a perturbative QCD-based jet-energy loss model to the measured data of the pion nuclear modification factor and the high-pT elliptic flow at RHIC and LHC energies. This jet-energy loss model (BBMG) is currently coupled to state-of-the-art hydrodynamic descriptions. We report on a model extension to medium backgrounds generated by the parton cascade BAMPS. In addition, we study the impact of realistic medium transverse flow fields and a jet-medium coupling which includes the effects of the jet energy, the temperature of the bulk medium, and non-equilibrium effects close to the phase transition. By contrasting the two different background models, we point out that the description of the high-pT elliptic flow for a non-fluctuating medium requires to include such a jet-medium coupling and the transverse flow fields. While the results for both medium backgrounds show a remarkable similarity, there is an impact of the background medium and the background flow on the high-pT elliptic flow.

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