Combining Virtual Organization and Local Policies for Automated Configuration of Grid Services. Bharathi, S., Kim, B. K., Chervenak, A., & Schuler, R. In Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomic Informatics (I), pages 194–202, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, 2005. IOS Press.
	acmid = {1563557},
	address = {{Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands}},
	author = {Bharathi, Shishir and Kim, Beom Kun and Chervenak, Ann and Schuler, Robert},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 {{Conference}} on {{Self-Organization}} and {{Autonomic Informatics}} ({{I}})},
	date-added = {2018-09-12 15:11:16 -0700},
	date-modified = {2020-01-21 15:51:59 -0800},
	isbn = {1-58603-577-0},
	keywords = {Automatic Configuration,Distributed Systems,Grid Services,Policy Management},
	pages = {194--202},
	publisher = {{IOS Press}},
	title = {Combining {{Virtual Organization}} and {{Local Policies}} for {{Automated Configuration}} of {{Grid Services}}},
	year = {2005}}

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