A source for feature-based attention in the prefrontal cortex. Bichot, N., Heard, M., DeGennaro, E., & Desimone, R Neuron, Elsevier, 2015. 208 cites: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=5631899951481208260&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=2007&hl=en
A source for feature-based attention in the prefrontal cortex [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
In cluttered scenes, we can use feature-based attention to quickly locate a target object. To understand how feature attention is used to find and select objects for action, we focused on the ventral prearcuate (VPA) region of prefrontal cortex. In a visual search task, VPA cells responded selectively to search cues, maintained their feature selectivity throughout the delay and subsequent saccades, and discriminated the search target in their receptive fields with a time course earlier than in FEF or IT cortex. Inactivation of VPA impaired the animals' …
	author = {NP Bichot and MT Heard and EM DeGennaro and R Desimone},
	type = {HTML},
	title = {A source for feature-based attention in the prefrontal cortex},
	journal = {Neuron},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627315008673},
	fulltext = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627315008673},
	related = {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=related:xL2TsiqHKE4J:scholar.google.com/\&scioq=bichot+np+heard+mt+degennaro+em+desimone+r+a+source+for+%22feature+based%22+attention+in+the+prefrontal+cortex+neuron+2015+nov+%2218+88%22+4+%22832+44%22\&hl=en\&as_sdt=2007},
	year = {2015},
	abstract = {In cluttered scenes, we can use feature-based attention to quickly locate a target object. To understand how feature attention is used to find and select objects for action, we focused on the ventral prearcuate (VPA) region of prefrontal cortex. In a visual search task, VPA cells responded selectively to search cues, maintained their feature selectivity throughout the delay and subsequent saccades, and discriminated the search target in their receptive fields with a time course earlier than in FEF or IT cortex. Inactivation of VPA impaired the animals' …},
	note = {208 cites: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=5631899951481208260\&as_sdt=2005\&sciodt=2007\&hl=en},


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