3D Segmentation of Vessels by Incremental Implicit Polynomial Fitting and Convex Optimization. Biesdorf, A., Wörz, S., von Tengg-Kobligk, H., Rohr, K., & Schnörr, C. In Proc.~ISBI, 2015.
  Title                    = {3{D} {S}egmentation of {V}essels by {I}ncremental {I}mplicit {P}olynomial {F}itting and {C}onvex {O}ptimization},
  Author                   = {Biesdorf, A. and W\"{o}rz, S. and von Tengg-Kobligk, H. and Rohr, K. and Schn\"{o}rr, C.},
  Booktitle                = {Proc.~ISBI},
  Year                     = {2015},
  pdf                      = {Papers/Biesdorf2015.pdf}

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