Quantitative visualization of DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells. Biffi, G., Tannahill, D., McCafferty, J., & Balasubramanian, S. Nature chemistry, 5(3):182–6, March, 2013.
Quantitative visualization of DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Four-stranded G-quadruplex nucleic acid structures are of great interest as their high thermodynamic stability under near-physiological conditions suggests that they could form in cells. Here we report the generation and application of an engineered, structure-specific antibody employed to quantitatively visualize DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells. We show explicitly that G-quadruplex formation in DNA is modulated during cell-cycle progression and that endogenous G-quadruplex DNA structures can be stabilized by a small-molecule ligand. Together these findings provide substantive evidence for the formation of G-quadruplex structures in the genome of mammalian cells and corroborate the application of stabilizing ligands in a cellular context to target G-quadruplexes and intervene with their function.
	title = {Quantitative visualization of {DNA} {G}-quadruplex structures in human cells.},
	volume = {5},
	issn = {1755-4349},
	url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=3622242&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract},
	doi = {10.1038/nchem.1548},
	abstract = {Four-stranded G-quadruplex nucleic acid structures are of great interest as their high thermodynamic stability under near-physiological conditions suggests that they could form in cells. Here we report the generation and application of an engineered, structure-specific antibody employed to quantitatively visualize DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells. We show explicitly that G-quadruplex formation in DNA is modulated during cell-cycle progression and that endogenous G-quadruplex DNA structures can be stabilized by a small-molecule ligand. Together these findings provide substantive evidence for the formation of G-quadruplex structures in the genome of mammalian cells and corroborate the application of stabilizing ligands in a cellular context to target G-quadruplexes and intervene with their function.},
	number = {3},
	journal = {Nature chemistry},
	author = {Biffi, Giulia and Tannahill, David and McCafferty, John and Balasubramanian, Shankar},
	month = mar,
	year = {2013},
	pmid = {23422559},
	keywords = {\#nosource, Animals, Bone Neoplasms, Bone Neoplasms: genetics, Cell Cycle, Cell Line, DNA, DNA: chemistry, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, G-Quadruplexes, Humans, Male, Osteosarcoma, Osteosarcoma: genetics, Salmon, Spermatozoa, Spermatozoa: chemistry, Thermodynamics, Tumor},
	pages = {182--6},

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