Ultrafast laser-induced field emission from a single carbon nanotube based nanotip. Bionta, M. R., Chalopin, B., Delmas, M., Houdellier, F., Masseboeuf, A., Mauchain, J., & Chatel, B. In CLEO: Applications and Technology, pages JW2A. 52, 2015. Optical Society of America.
	title = {Ultrafast laser-induced field emission from a single carbon nanotube based nanotip},
	booktitle = {{CLEO}: {Applications} and {Technology}},
	publisher = {Optical Society of America},
	author = {Bionta, M. R. and Chalopin, Benoît and Delmas, Marc and Houdellier, Florent and Masseboeuf, Aurélien and Mauchain, Julien and Chatel, Béatrice},
	year = {2015},
	pages = {JW2A. 52},

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