Computation of Lyapunov functions for systems with multiple local attractors. Björnsson, J., Giesl, P., Hafstein, S. F., & Kellett, C. M. Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst., 35(9):4019–4039, 2015.
doi  bibtex   
  author   = {Jóhann Bj\"{o}rnsson and Peter Giesl and Sigur{\dh}ur F. Hafstein and Christopher M. Kellett},
  title    = {Computation of {L}yapunov functions for systems with multiple local attractors},
  journal  = {Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst.},
  year     = {2015},
  volume   = {35},
  number   = {9},
  pages    = {4019--4039},
  doi      = {10.3934/dcds.2015.35.4019},
  file     = {:SCC.Bjoernsson.Giesl.ea2015.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {AFOSR},

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