Adiabatic loading of bosons into optical lattices. Blakie, P. & Porto, J. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 69(1):136031-136038, 2004. cited By 38
Adiabatic loading of bosons into optical lattices [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The adiabatic loading of bosons atoms in a two-dimensional optical lattice was investegated. The effect of lattice depth and filling factor on the Bose condensation point was considered and the possibility of reversible condensation through lattice loading was examined. The regimes where the atomic sample can be significantly heated or cooled by adiabatically changing the lattice depth was demonstrated. It was shown that the system can be reversibly condensed by changing the lattice depth.
author={Blakie, P.B. and Porto, J.V.},
title={Adiabatic loading of bosons into optical lattices},
journal={Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics},
note={cited By 38},
affiliation={Physics Laboratory, Natl. Inst. of Std. and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, United States},
abstract={The adiabatic loading of bosons atoms in a two-dimensional optical lattice was investegated. The effect of lattice depth and filling factor on the Bose condensation point was considered and the possibility of reversible condensation through lattice loading was examined. The regimes where the atomic sample can be significantly heated or cooled by adiabatically changing the lattice depth was demonstrated. It was shown that the system can be reversibly condensed by changing the lattice depth.},
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