Resource description and selection for similarity search in metric spaces: Problems and Problem-Solving Approaches using the Example of Content-Based Image Retrieval in Distributed Information Retrieval Systems. Blank, D. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bamberg, 2015.
Resource description and selection for similarity search in metric spaces: Problems and Problem-Solving Approaches using the Example of Content-Based Image Retrieval in Distributed Information Retrieval Systems [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author    = {Daniel Blank},
  title     = {Resource description and selection for similarity search in metric spaces: Problems and Problem-Solving Approaches using the Example of Content-Based Image Retrieval in Distributed Information Retrieval Systems},
  school    = {University of Bamberg},
  year      = {2015},
  url       = {},
  keywords = {Distributed Information Retrieval / Verteiltes Information Retrieval,Metric Access Methods / Metrische Zugriffstrukturen,Content-based Image Retrieval / Inhaltsbasierte Bildsuche}

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