Editorial Commentary: Model City?: For Radicals, Cleveland Has Come to Symbolize the Future. Bleiberg, R. M. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, Boston, MA, September, 1979.
Editorial Commentary: Model City?: For Radicals, Cleveland Has Come to Symbolize the Future [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
PROFIT MAY not be a dirty word in Ohio, as the state likes to proclaim in its booster-type ads, but evidently Cleveland is. Last spring, to underscore the point, the Cleveland Regional Sewer District went to court to change its name to Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
	address = {Boston, MA},
	title = {Editorial {Commentary}: {Model} {City}?: {For} {Radicals}, {Cleveland} {Has} {Come} to {Symbolize} the {Future}},
	copyright = {Copyright Dow Jones \& Company Inc Sep 10, 1979},
	issn = {00056073},
	shorttitle = {{EDITORIAL} {COMMENTARY} {Model} {City}?},
	url = {http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/docview/350709900/abstract/71FB2E4185DB4811PQ/10},
	abstract = {PROFIT MAY not be a dirty word in Ohio, as the state likes to proclaim
in its booster-type ads, but evidently Cleveland is. Last spring, to underscore the point, the Cleveland Regional Sewer District went to court to change its name to Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.},
	language = {English},
	urldate = {2016-05-20},
	journal = {Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly},
	author = {Bleiberg, Robert M.},
	month = sep,
	year = {1979},
	pages = {7},

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