Comparative biomedical policy: governing assisted reproductive technologies. Bleiklie, I., Goggin, M. L., & Rothmayr, C., editors Psychology Press, 2004.
abstract   bibtex   
This book presents a comparative study examining assisted reproductive technology policies in North America and Europe. Based on original and detailed research, this up-to-date volume establishes a knowledge base for understanding policy debates on topics such as embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning.
	title = {Comparative biomedical policy: governing assisted reproductive technologies},
	isbn = {978-0-415-32547-9},
	shorttitle = {Comparative biomedical policy},
	abstract = {This book presents a comparative study examining assisted reproductive technology policies in North America and Europe. Based on original and detailed research, this up-to-date volume establishes a knowledge base for understanding policy debates on topics such as embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning.},
	language = {en},
	publisher = {Psychology Press},
	editor = {Bleiklie, Ivar and Goggin, Malcolm L. and Rothmayr, Christine},
	year = {2004},
	keywords = {Canada, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Europe, Health policy, Human reproductive technology, Human reproductive technology - Government policy, Human reproductive technology - Government policy - Canada, Human reproductive technology/ Government policy/ Canada, Human reproductive technology/ Government policy/ Cross-cultural studies, Human reproductive technology - Government policy - Europe, Human reproductive technology/ Government policy/ Europe, Human reproductive technology - Government policy - United States, Medical / Health Care Delivery, Medical / Reproductive Medicine \& Technology, Political Science / General, Political Science / Public Policy / General, Reproductive Techniques, Assisted - legislation \& jurisprudence, United States}

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