Study on the conformational state of Escherichia coli tRNA-Phe in solution by ESR-spectometry without modulation [Izuchenie konformatsionnoǐ situatsii v vodnykh rastvorakh spin-mechenoǐ tRNA-Phe iz Escherichia coli bezomduliatsionnym metodom EPR.]. Bondarev, G., Isaev-Ivanov, V., Isaeva-Ivanova, L., Kirillov, S., & Kleǐner, A. Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 16(2):352-362, 1982. cited By 1
Study on the conformational state of Escherichia coli tRNA-Phe in solution by ESR-spectometry without modulation [Izuchenie konformatsionnoǐ situatsii v vodnykh rastvorakh spin-mechenoǐ tRNA-Phe iz Escherichia coli bezomduliatsionnym metodom EPR.] [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
ESR-spectrometry without modulation of the magnetic field was used for registering the EST spectral line shape (with shape distortion about 0.1 percent) of spin-labeled Escherichia coli tRNAPhe. The analysis of line shape of two different spin-labels in position 8 (S4U) revealed that tRNAPhe in solution always exists as a mixture of at least two conformers, the equilibria between conformers being dependent on pH, concentration of magnesium and the biological state of tRNA (deacylated, aminoacyl- or peptidyl-tRNA). There are no large structural rearrangements upon aminoacylation or peptidylation of tRNA, the observed small changes of spectral line shape are due to the changes in conformational equilibria.
author={Bondarev, G.N. and Isaev-Ivanov, V.V. and Isaeva-Ivanova, L.S. and Kirillov, S.V. and Kleǐner, A.R.},
title={Study on the conformational state of Escherichia coli tRNA-Phe in solution by ESR-spectometry without modulation [Izuchenie konformatsionnoǐ situatsii v vodnykh rastvorakh spin-mechenoǐ tRNA-Phe iz Escherichia coli bezomduliatsionnym metodom EPR.]},
journal={Molekulyarnaya Biologiya},
note={cited By 1},
abstract={ESR-spectrometry without modulation of the magnetic field was used for registering the EST spectral line shape (with shape distortion about 0.1 percent) of spin-labeled Escherichia coli tRNAPhe. The analysis of line shape of two different spin-labels in position 8 (S4U) revealed that tRNAPhe in solution always exists as a mixture of at least two conformers, the equilibria between conformers being dependent on pH, concentration of magnesium and the biological state of tRNA (deacylated, aminoacyl- or peptidyl-tRNA). There are no large structural rearrangements upon aminoacylation or peptidylation of tRNA, the observed small changes of spectral line shape are due to the changes in conformational equilibria.},
correspondence_address1={Bondarev, G.N.},
abbrev_source_title={Mol Biol (Mosk)},

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