STEAM - Statistical Template Estimation for Abnormality Mapping: a Personalized DTI Analysis Technique with Applications to the Screening of Preterm Infants. Booth, B. G., Miller, S., Brown, C. J., Poskitt, K., Chau, V., Grunau, R., Synnes, A., & Hamarneh, G. NeuroImage, 125:705-723, 2015.
doi  bibtex   
   AUTHOR       = {Brian G. Booth and Steven Miller and Colin J. Brown and 
      Kenneth Poskitt and Vann Chau and Ruth Grunau and Anne Synnes and 
      Ghassan Hamarneh},
   JOURNAL      = {NeuroImage},
   OPTMONTH     = {},
   OPTNOTE      = {},
   OPTNUMBER    = {},
   PAGES        = {705-723},
   TITLE        = {STEAM - Statistical Template Estimation for Abnormality 
      Mapping: a Personalized DTI Analysis Technique with Applications to 
      the Screening of Preterm Infants},
   VOLUME       = {125},
   YEAR         = {2015},
   DOI          = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.08.079},
   OPTISBN      = {},
   OPTISSN      = {},
   KEYWORDS     = {Diffusion MRI, Neurodevelopment, Connectome},
   OPTURL       = {},
   PDF          = {}

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