The estimation of the detection function and g(0) for shortbeaked common dolphins (<i>Delphinus delphis</i>), using double platform data collected during the NASS-95 Faroese survey. Borchers, A. C. A. G. D. A. D. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 6:191–198, 2004.
  author      = {A. Ca{{\~n}}adas And G. Desportes And D. Borchers},
  title       = {The estimation of the detection function and g(0) for shortbeaked common dolphins (\textit{Delphinus delphis}), using double platform data collected during the {NASS-95 Faroese} survey},
  year        = {2004},
  volume      = {6},
  pages       = {191--198},
  comment     = {},
  file        = {:Canadasetal2004.pdf:PDF},
  journal     = {Journal of Cetacean Research and Management},
  owner       = {Tiago},
  subdatabase = {distance},
  timestamp   = {2010.07.30},

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