Min <i>st</i>-Cut Oracle for Planar Graphs with Near-Linear Preprocessing Time. Borradaile, G., Sankowski, P., & Wulff-Nilsen, C. ACM Trans. Algorithms (TALG), 11(3):16:1-16:29, 2015.
Min <i>st</i>-Cut Oracle for Planar Graphs with Near-Linear Preprocessing Time [link]Paper  bibtex   
@article{ dblp1781071,
  title = {Min <i>st</i>-Cut Oracle for Planar Graphs with Near-Linear Preprocessing Time},
  author = {Glencora Borradaile and Piotr Sankowski and Christian Wulff-Nilsen},
  author_short = {Borradaile, G. and Sankowski, P. and Wulff-Nilsen, C.},
  bibtype = {article},
  type = {article},
  year = {2015},
  key = {dblp1781071},
  id = {dblp1781071},
  biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/talg/BorradaileSW15},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2684068},
  journal = {ACM Trans. Algorithms (TALG)},
  pages = {16:1-16:29},
  number = {3},
  volume = {11},
  text = {ACM Trans. Algorithms (TALG) 11(3):16:1-16:29 (2015)}

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