Small bowel transplantation: Literature review 2003-2005. Botha J.F. & Horslen S.P. 2006.
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The rapid expansion of the volume of peer reviewed publications in recent years, including a large increase in the number of new biomedical journals, makes it difficult for the practicing clinician to stay up to date with the medical literature. This review is part of a new series that will provide succinct summaries of the recent medical literature in the field of pediatric transplantation. In this review, we summarize important articles in the field of pediatric intestine transplantation that have been published over the last 21/2; years (2003-2005). The review is intended to be comprehensive but not exhaustive. 2005 Blackwell Munksgaard.
	title = {Small bowel transplantation: {Literature} review 2003-2005},
	abstract = {The rapid expansion of the volume of peer reviewed publications in recent years, including a large increase in the number of new biomedical journals, makes it difficult for the practicing clinician to stay up to date with the medical literature. This review is part of a new series that will provide succinct summaries of the recent medical literature in the field of pediatric transplantation. In this review, we summarize important articles in the field of pediatric intestine transplantation that have been published over the last 21/2; years (2003-2005). The review is intended to be comprehensive but not exhaustive.  2005 Blackwell Munksgaard.},
	journal = {Pediatric Transplantation},
	author = {{Botha J.F.} and {Horslen S.P.}},
	year = {2006},
	keywords = {*Hirschsprung disease/su [Surgery], *graft rejection/co [Complication], *graft rejection/dt [Drug Therapy], *graft rejection/pc [Prevention], *granzyme B/ec [Endogenous Compound], *immunosuppressive agent/cb [Drug Combination], *immunosuppressive agent/dt [Drug Therapy], *immunosuppressive treatment, *intestine transplantation, *perforin/ec [Endogenous Compound], *short bowel syndrome/su [Surgery], Adenovirus, Adult, Asia, B lymphocyte, Canada, Child, Europe, Incidence, Middle East, OKT 3/cb [Drug Combination], OKT 3/dt [Drug Therapy], South America, T lymphocyte, United States, abdominal wall, aciclovir/cb [Drug Combination], aciclovir/dt [Drug Therapy], aciclovir/po [Oral Drug Administration], acute graft rejection/co [Complication], acute graft rejection/dt [Drug Therapy], age distribution, alemtuzumab/cb [Drug Combination], alemtuzumab/dt [Drug Therapy], apoptosis, azathioprine/cb [Drug Combination], azathioprine/dt [Drug Therapy], basiliximab/cb [Drug Combination], basiliximab/dt [Drug Therapy], blood group ABO system, body weight, chronic graft rejection/co [Complication], chronic graft rejection/dt [Drug Therapy], corticosteroid/cb [Drug Combination], corticosteroid/dt [Drug Therapy], cyclophosphamide/cb [Drug Combination], cyclophosphamide/dt [Drug Therapy], cytomegalovirus infection/co [Complication], cytotoxic T lymphocyte, daclizumab/cb [Drug Combination], daclizumab/dt [Drug Therapy], death, food allergy/co [Complication], ganciclovir/cb [Drug Combination], ganciclovir/dt [Drug Therapy], ganciclovir/iv [Intravenous Drug Administration], graft survival, histopathology, human, ileostomy, immunohistochemistry, immunotherapy, interleukin 2 receptor/ec [Endogenous Compound], intestine biopsy, intestine brush border, irradiation, length of stay, liver transplantation, living donor, microvillus inclusion disease/su [Surgery], mortality, mycophenolic acid 2 morpholinoethyl ester/cb [Drug Combination], mycophenolic acid 2 morpholinoethyl ester/dt [Drug Therapy], natural killer T cell, opportunistic infection/co [Complication], parenteral nutrition, peer review, prognosis, quality of life, rapamycin/cb [Drug Combination], rapamycin/dt [Drug Therapy], review, risk factor, rotavirus, sclerosing peritonitis/co [Complication], survival rate, systematic review, tacrolimus/cb [Drug Combination], tacrolimus/dt [Drug Therapy], thymocyte antibody/cb [Drug Combination], thymocyte antibody/dt [Drug Therapy], transplantation tolerance, twins, vascular disease/co [Complication], vascular disease/dt [Drug Therapy], vascular disease/pc [Prevention], viral gastroenteritis/co [Complication], viral gastroenteritis/dt [Drug Therapy], viral gastroenteritis/et [Etiology], viral gastroenteritis/pc [Prevention]},

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