A two-phase two-layer model for fluidized granular flows with dilatancy effects. Bouchut, F., Fernández-Nieto, E. D., Mangeney, A., & Narbona-Reina, G. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 801:166-221, Cambridge University Press (CUP), August, 2016.
A two-phase two-layer model for fluidized granular flows with dilatancy effects [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   1 download  

  Title = {A two-phase two-layer model for fluidized granular flows with dilatancy effects},
  Author = {Bouchut, F. and Fern\'andez-Nieto, E. D. and Mangeney, A. and Narbona-Reina, G.},
  Journal = {{Journal of Fluid Mechanics}},
  Publisher = {Cambridge University Press (CUP)},
  Volume = {801},
  Pages = {166-221},
  Year = {2016},
  Month = Aug,
  Doi = {10.1017/jfm.2016.417},
  Keywords = {Fluidized granular flows ; two-phase ; dilatancy ; two-layer ; depth-averaged model ; critical volume fraction ; excess pore pressure,Avalanches and debris flows},
  url_Paper = {https://idus.us.es/xmlui/handle/11441/50741}

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