On the Design of a Mobile RFID System for Searching of Misplaced or Lost Tagged Items. Boursianis, A., Samaras, T., Polycarpou, A., C., & Sahalos, J., N. Technical Report 2014.
On the Design of a Mobile RFID System for Searching of Misplaced or Lost Tagged Items [pdf]Paper  On the Design of a Mobile RFID System for Searching of Misplaced or Lost Tagged Items [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
In this work, a UHF mobile RFID system for searching of misplaced or lost tagged items is presented. The system consists of a microstrip antenna array with alternate orthogonal dipoles which are fed in series by a microstrip line. The distance between the dipoles is adjusted in order to excite them in phase and radiate two orthogonal electric-field components. The number of dipoles and the large inter-element distance, create beams with direction diversity. From the analysis of the near zone field it is found that a semi-cylindrical area around the axis of the antenna is sufficiently covered. Index Terms-RFID, near-field antennas, propagation, library management system.

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