Laboratory Experiments in Public Policy and Management. Bozeman, B. & Scott, P. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART.
Laboratory Experiments in Public Policy and Management [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
This article reviews and evaluates the potential of labora experiments in public policy and management (PPM) research first consider reasons why laboratory experiments tend to b neglected in PPM research. These include the willingness of searchers to trade away rigor and internal validity to achiev generalizability, the naturalistic preference for field and/or experiments, and the tendency to focus upon groups, organ and policies-rather than individuals-as units of analysis. Next, we provide an overview of the relatively few PPM studies which have employed laboratory experiments. We then focus on some of the methodological controversies surrounding the use of laboratory experiments and consider their implications for PPM research. We conclude with some suggestions for enhancing the potential for utilizing laboratory experiments as a method of choice for PPM researchers.
	title = {Laboratory {Experiments} in {Public} {Policy} and {Management}},
	volume = {2},
	url = {},
	abstract = {This article reviews and evaluates the potential of labora experiments in public policy and management (PPM) research first consider reasons why laboratory experiments tend to b neglected in PPM research. These include the willingness of searchers to trade away rigor and internal validity to achiev generalizability, the naturalistic preference for field and/or experiments, and the tendency to focus upon groups, organ and policies-rather than individuals-as units of analysis. Next, we provide an overview of the relatively few PPM studies which have employed laboratory experiments. We then focus on some of the methodological controversies surrounding the use of laboratory experiments and consider their implications for PPM research. We conclude with some suggestions for enhancing the potential for utilizing laboratory experiments as a method of choice for PPM researchers.},
	language = {en},
	journal = {Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART},
	author = {Barry Bozeman and Patrick Scott}

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