Computing with Sequences, Weak Topologies and the Axiom of Choice. Brattka, V. & Schröder, M. In Computer science logic, volume 3634, pages 462–476, 2005. Springer.
Computing with Sequences, Weak Topologies and the Axiom of Choice [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author = {Brattka, Vasco and Schr{\"{o}}der, Matthias},
  title = {Computing with Sequences, Weak Topologies and the Axiom of Choice},
  booktitle = {Computer science logic},
  year = {2005},
  editor = {Ong, Luke},
  volume = {3634},
  series = LNCS,
  pages = {462--476},
  publisher = {Springer},
  adress = {Berlin},
  file = {BS05.pdf:BS05.pdf:PDF;BS05.pdf:files\\BS05.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {bib,cca,facs,new},
  notes = {19th International Workshop CSL 2005, Oxford, August 22--25, 2005},
  url = {}

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