AFP Poll: 64% Oppose Raising Gas Tax For Arkansas Highway Needs. Brawner, S. October, 2015.
AFP Poll: 64% Oppose Raising Gas Tax For Arkansas Highway Needs [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Half of Arkansans believe the condition of the state’s roads is “a major problem that deserves attention,” but 64% oppose raising motor fuels taxes to address it, according to a poll by Americans for Prosperity. Forty-five percent strongly oppose a motor fuels tax increase, and half said a legislator’s support for an increase would make … Continued
	type = {business news},
	title = {{AFP} {Poll}: 64\% {Oppose} {Raising} {Gas} {Tax} {For} {Arkansas} {Highway} {Needs}},
	shorttitle = {{AFP} {Poll}},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Half of Arkansans believe the condition of the state’s roads is “a major problem that deserves attention,” but 64\% oppose raising motor fuels taxes to address it, according to a poll by Americans for Prosperity. Forty-five percent strongly oppose a motor fuels tax increase, and half said a legislator’s support for an increase would make … Continued},
	urldate = {2016-03-21TZ},
	journal = {TB\&P},
	author = {Brawner, Steve},
	month = oct,
	year = {2015},
	keywords = {Surveys}

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