Spatial variability of surficial sediments and bakscatter on the northern shelf of the Alboran Sea: The effects of hydrodynamic forcing and local sediment supplies. Bárcenas, P., Lobo, F., Macías, Jorge, Fernández-Salas, L., & Díaz-del-Río, V. J. Iber. Geol., 37(2):195:214, 2011.
  author        = {B{\'a}rcenas, P. and Lobo, F.-J. and Mac{\'i}as, Jorge and Fern{\'a}ndez-Salas, L.-M. and D{\'i}az-del-R{\'i}o, V.},
  journal       = {J. Iber. Geol.},
  title         = {{S}patial variability of surficial sediments and bakscatter on the northern shelf of the {A}lboran {S}ea: {T}he effects of hydrodynamic forcing and local sediment supplies},
  year          = {2011},
  number        = {2},
  pages         = {195:214},
  volume        = {37},
  impact_factor = {0.973},

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