Submarine deltaic geometries linked to steep, mountainous drainage basins in the northern shelf of the Alboran Sea: Filling the gaps in the spectrum of deltaic deposition. Bárcenas, P., Lobo, F., Macías, Jorge, Fernández-Salas, L., López-González, N., & Díaz-del-Río, V. Geomorphology, 232:125-144, March, 2015.
Submarine deltaic geometries linked to steep, mountainous drainage basins in the northern shelf of the Alboran Sea: Filling the gaps in the spectrum of deltaic deposition [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
P. B ́arcenas, F.J. Lobo, J. Mac ́ıas, L.M. Fern ́andez-Salas, N. L ́opez-Gonz ́alez y V. D ́ıaz del R ́ıo
  author   = {B{\'a}rcenas, P. and Lobo, F.-J. and Mac{\'i}as, Jorge and Fern{\'a}ndez-Salas, L.-M. and L{\'o}pez-Gonz{\'a}lez, N. and D{\'i}az-del-R{\'i}o, V.},
  journal  = {Geomorphology},
  title    = {{S}ubmarine deltaic geometries linked to steep, mountainous drainage basins in the northern shelf of the {A}lboran {S}ea: {F}illing the gaps in the spectrum of deltaic deposition},
  year     = {2015},
  month    = {March},
  pages    = {125-144},
  volume   = {232},
  abstract = {P. B ́arcenas, F.J. Lobo, J. Mac ́ıas, L.M. Fern ́andez-Salas, N. L ́opez-Gonz ́alez y V. D ́ıaz del R ́ıo},
  url      = {},

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