Unit Interval Orders and the Dot Action on the Cohomology of Regular Semisimple Hessenberg Varieties. Brosnan, P. & Chow, T. arXiv:1511.00773 [math.AG], November, 2015.
@Article{	  bro.cho:15,
  author	= {{Brosnan}, P. and {Chow}, T.~Y.},
  title		= "{Unit Interval Orders and the Dot Action on the Cohomology
		  of Regular Semisimple Hessenberg Varieties}",
  journal	= {arXiv:1511.00773 [math.AG]},
  archiveprefix	= "arXiv",
  eprint	= {1511.00773},
  primaryclass	= "math.AG",
  keywords	= {Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry, Mathematics -
		  Combinatorics, Mathematics - Representation Theory, 05E05,
		  20G05, 14F43},
  year		= 2015,
  month		= nov

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