Adaptation of the photosynthetic unit of purple bacteria to changes of light illumination intensities. Brotosudarmo, T. H. P., Limantara, L., Prihastyanti, M. N. U., & others Procedia Chemistry, 14:414–421, elsevier, 2015.
	author = {Brotosudarmo, Tatas Hardo Panintingjati and Limantara, Leenawaty and Prihastyanti, Monika Nur Utami and others},
	date-added = {2024-05-27 10:51:11 +0700},
	date-modified = {2024-05-27 10:51:11 +0700},
	journal = {Procedia Chemistry},
	pages = {414--421},
	publisher = {elsevier},
	title = {Adaptation of the photosynthetic unit of purple bacteria to changes of light illumination intensities},
	volume = {14},
	year = {2015}}

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