A Hybrid AI-Based Method for ICD Classification of Medical Documents. Bruneß, D., Bay, M., Schulze, C., Guckert, M., & Minor, M. In Mantas, J., Gallos, P., Zoulias, E., Hasman, A., Househ, M. S., Charalampidou, M., & Magdalinou, A., editors, Healthcare Transformation with Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, ICIMTH 2023, 21st International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare, Athens, Greece, from 1-3 July 2023, volume 305, of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pages 1–4, 2023. IOS Press.
doi  bibtex   
	series = {Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics}},
	title = {A {Hybrid} {AI}-{Based} {Method} for {ICD} {Classification} of {Medical} {Documents}},
	volume = {305},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI230408},
	booktitle = {Healthcare {Transformation} with {Informatics} and {Artificial} {Intelligence}, {ICIMTH} 2023, 21st {International} {Conference} on {Informatics}, {Management}, and {Technology} in {Healthcare}, {Athens}, {Greece}, from 1-3 {July} 2023},
	publisher = {IOS Press},
	author = {Bruneß, Daniel and Bay, Matthias and Schulze, Christian and Guckert, Michael and Minor, Mirjam},
	editor = {Mantas, John and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Hasman, Arie and Househ, Mowafa S. and Charalampidou, Martha and Magdalinou, Andriana},
	year = {2023},
	pages = {1--4},
	file = {Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Marcel\\Zotero\\storage\\PTZC8A5Z\\Bruneß et al. - 2023 - A Hybrid AI-Based Method for ICD Classification of.pdf:application/pdf},

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