Numerical simulation of the 30-45 ka debris avalanche flow of Montagne Pelée volcano, Martinique: from volcano flank collapse to submarine emplacement. Brunet, M., Moretti, L, Le Friant, A., Mangeney, A., Fernández-Nieto, E. D., & Bouchut, F. 87:1189-1222, 06, 2017.
Numerical simulation of the 30-45 ka debris avalanche flow of Montagne Pelée volcano, Martinique: from volcano flank collapse to submarine emplacement [link]Paper  bibtex   1 download  
author = {Brunet, Morgane and Moretti, L and Le Friant, Anne and Mangeney, Anne and Fern\'andez-Nieto, E. D.  and Bouchut, Fran�ois},
year = {2017},
month = {06},
pages = {1189-1222},
title = {Numerical simulation of the 30-45 ka debris avalanche flow of Montagne Pel\'ee volcano, Martinique: from volcano flank collapse to submarine emplacement},
volume = {87},
booktitle = {Natural Hazards},
url_Paper = {},

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