LHAPDF6: parton density access in the LHC precision era. Buckley, A., Ferrando, J., Lloyd, S., Nordström, K., Page, B., Rüfenacht, M., Schönherr, M., & Watt, G. Eur. Phys. J. C, 75:132, 2015.
doi  bibtex   
  author        = {Buckley, Andy and Ferrando, James and Lloyd, Stephen and Nordstr\"om, Karl and Page, Ben and R\"ufenacht, Martin and Sch\"onherr, Marek and Watt, Graeme},
  title         = {{LHAPDF6: parton density access in the LHC precision era}},
  eprint        = {1412.7420},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  primaryclass  = {hep-ph},
  reportnumber  = {GLAS-PPE-2014-05, MCNET-14-29, IPPP-14-111, DCPT-14-222},
  doi           = {10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3318-8},
  journal       = {Eur. Phys. J. C},
  volume        = {75},
  pages         = {132},
  year          = {2015}

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