Complexity and emergent behaviour in ICT systems. Bullock, S. & Cliff, D. Technical Report Hewlett-Packard Labs, 2004. [This report was commissioned by the Foresight Programme of the UK's Office of Science and Technology (DTi). However, its findings are independent of government and do not constitute government policy]
Complexity and emergent behaviour in ICT systems [link]Paper  bibtex   
@techreport{ eps261478,
  type = {Technical Report},
  title = {Complexity and emergent behaviour in ICT systems},
  author = {Seth Bullock and Dave Cliff},
  year = {2004},
  series = {HP-2004-187},
  note = {[This report was commissioned by the Foresight Programme of the UK's Office of Science and Technology (DTi). However, its findings are independent of government and do not constitute government policy]},
  institution = {Hewlett-Packard Labs},
  url = {}

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