Data Provenance: What next?. BunemanPeter & TanWang-Chiew ACM SIGMOD Record, 47(3):5–16, February, 2019.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Research into data provenance has been active for almost twenty years. What has it delivered and where will it go next? What practical impact has it had and what might it have? We provide speculati...
	title = {Data {Provenance}: {What} next?},
	volume = {47},
	doi = {},
	abstract = {Research into data provenance has been active for almost twenty years. What has it delivered and where will it go next? What practical impact has it had and what might it have? We provide speculati...},
	language = {EN},
	number = {3},
	journal = {ACM SIGMOD Record},
	author = {{BunemanPeter} and {TanWang-Chiew}},
	month = feb,
	year = {2019},
	pages = {5--16}

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