Molecular alignment and orientation with a hybrid Raman scattering technique. Bustard, P., Lausten, R., & Sussman, B. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2012. Paper doi abstract bibtex We demonstrate a scheme for the preparation of molecular alignment and angular momentum orientation using a hybrid combination of two limits of Raman scattering. First a weak, impulsive pump pulse initializes the system via the nonresonant dynamic Stark effect. Then, having overcome the influence of the vacuum fluctuations, an amplification pulse selectively enhances the initial coherences by transient stimulated Raman scattering, generating alignment and angular momentum orientation of molecular hydrogen. The amplitude and phase of the resulting coherent dynamics are experimentally probed, indicating an amplification factor of 4.5. An analytic theory is developed to model the dynamics. Published by the American Physical Society.
Title = {Molecular alignment and orientation with a hybrid Raman scattering technique},
Author = {Bustard, P.J., Lausten, R., Sussman, B.J.},
Journal = {Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics},
Year = {2012},
Number = {5},
Volume = {86},
Abstract = {We demonstrate a scheme for the preparation of molecular alignment and angular momentum orientation using a hybrid combination of two limits of Raman scattering. First a weak, impulsive pump pulse initializes the system via the nonresonant dynamic Stark effect. Then, having overcome the influence of the vacuum fluctuations, an amplification pulse selectively enhances the initial coherences by transient stimulated Raman scattering, generating alignment and angular momentum orientation of molecular hydrogen. The amplitude and phase of the resulting coherent dynamics are experimentally probed, indicating an amplification factor of 4.5. An analytic theory is developed to model the dynamics. Published by the American Physical Society.},
Affiliation = {National Research Council of Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6, Canada},
Art_number = {053419},
Document_type = {Article},
Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.86.053419},
Source = {Scopus},
Timestamp = {2016.03.02},
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