Automatic tracking of human motion in indoor scenes across multiple synchronized video streams. Cai, Q. & Aggarwal, J. K. In Proc. Computer Vision, 1998. Sixth International Conference on, Bombay, India, January, 1998. to appear, \em Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision
  author = {Cai, Q. and Aggarwal, J. K.},
 address = {Bombay, India},
booktitle = {Proc. Computer Vision, 1998. Sixth International Conference on},
 month = {January},
 note = {to appear, \em Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision},
 title = {Automatic tracking of human motion in indoor scenes across multiple synchronized video streams},
 year = {1998},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Automatic Tracking of Human Motion in Indoor Scenes Across Multiple Synchronized Video Streams}

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