Distributed statistical analysis: a scoping review and examples of operational frameworks adapted to healthcare. Camirand Lemyre, F., Ethier, J., Lévesque, S., Domingue, M., & Herrmann, K. April, 2024.
Distributed statistical analysis: a scoping review and examples of operational frameworks adapted to healthcare [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
About this event In the fourth webinar in HDRN Canada’s Federated Analysis: State of the Science Collective Learning Series, Dr. Nichole Austin and Dr. Félix Camirand Lemyre will demonstrate the statistical analyses that can and cannot be conducted using practical examples. Moderated by Dr. Kim McGrail, the discussion will focus on key aspects around the value and challenges of using distributed data, as well as the areas where more scientific development is needed.
	type = {Présentation en ligne},
	title = {Distributed statistical analysis: a scoping review and examples of operational frameworks adapted to healthcare},
	url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfilSNsOKYg},
	abstract = {About this event
In the fourth webinar in HDRN Canada’s Federated Analysis: State of the Science Collective Learning Series, Dr. Nichole Austin and Dr. Félix Camirand Lemyre will demonstrate the statistical analyses that can and cannot be conducted using practical examples. Moderated by Dr. Kim McGrail, the discussion will focus on key aspects around the value and challenges of using distributed data, as well as the areas where more scientific development is needed.},
	author = {Camirand Lemyre, Félix and Ethier, Jean-François and Lévesque, Simon and Domingue, Marie-Pier and Herrmann, Klaus},
	month = apr,
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {FRQS-Présentations orales ou par affiche, Presentation},

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