Real-Time Temperature Rise Estimation during Irreversible Electroporation Treatment through State-Space Modeling. Campelo, S. N., Jacobs, E. J. t., Aycock, K. N., & Davalos, R. V. Bioengineering (Basel), 2022. 2306-5354 Campelo, Sabrina N Orcid: 0000-0001-6570-7427 Jacobs, Edward J 4th Aycock, Kenneth N Orcid: 0000-0003-3885-6798 Davalos, Rafael V Orcid: 0000-0003-1503-9509 R01 CA24047/NH/NIH HHS/United States Journal Article Switzerland 2022/10/28 Bioengineering (Basel). 2022 Sep 23;9(10):499. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering9100499.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
To evaluate the feasibility of real-time temperature monitoring during an electroporation-based therapy procedure, a data-driven state-space model was developed. Agar phantoms mimicking low conductivity (LC) and high conductivity (HC) tissues were tested under the influences of high (HV) and low (LV) applied voltages. Real-time changes in impedance, measured by Fourier Analysis SpecTroscopy (FAST) along with the known tissue conductivity and applied voltages, were used to train the model. A theoretical finite element model was used for external validation of the model, producing model fits of 95.8, 88.4, 90.7, and 93.7% at 4 mm and 93.2, 58.9, 90.0, and 90.1% at 10 mm for the HV-HC, LV-LC, HV-LC, and LV-HC groups, respectively. The proposed model suggests that real-time temperature monitoring may be achieved with good accuracy through the use of real-time impedance monitoring.
   author = {Campelo, S. N. and Jacobs, E. J. th and Aycock, K. N. and Davalos, R. V.},
   title = {Real-Time Temperature Rise Estimation during Irreversible Electroporation Treatment through State-Space Modeling},
   journal = {Bioengineering (Basel)},
   volume = {9},
   number = {10},
   note = {2306-5354
Campelo, Sabrina N
Orcid: 0000-0001-6570-7427
Jacobs, Edward J 4th
Aycock, Kenneth N
Orcid: 0000-0003-3885-6798
Davalos, Rafael V
Orcid: 0000-0003-1503-9509
R01 CA24047/NH/NIH HHS/United States
Journal Article
Bioengineering (Basel). 2022 Sep 23;9(10):499. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering9100499.},
   abstract = {To evaluate the feasibility of real-time temperature monitoring during an electroporation-based therapy procedure, a data-driven state-space model was developed. Agar phantoms mimicking low conductivity (LC) and high conductivity (HC) tissues were tested under the influences of high (HV) and low (LV) applied voltages. Real-time changes in impedance, measured by Fourier Analysis SpecTroscopy (FAST) along with the known tissue conductivity and applied voltages, were used to train the model. A theoretical finite element model was used for external validation of the model, producing model fits of 95.8, 88.4, 90.7, and 93.7% at 4 mm and 93.2, 58.9, 90.0, and 90.1% at 10 mm for the HV-HC, LV-LC, HV-LC, and LV-HC groups, respectively. The proposed model suggests that real-time temperature monitoring may be achieved with good accuracy through the use of real-time impedance monitoring.},
   keywords = {H-fire
agar phantom
black-box modeling
pulsed field ablation
temperature prediction
thermal mitigation},
   ISSN = {2306-5354 (Print)
   DOI = {10.3390/bioengineering9100499},
   year = {2022},
   type = {Journal Article}

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