Earle on memory and the past. Casey, E. S. In Casey, E & Morano, D., editors, The Life of the Transcendental Ego: Essays in Honor of William Earle, pages 179–192. SUNY Press, Albany, 1986.
abstract   bibtex   
[first paragraph] It is perhaps doubly appropriate to honor William Earle by discussing the subject of memory. Not only has he written engagingly on the topic of memory itself–as we shall witness at some length below–
abstract = {[first paragraph] It is perhaps doubly appropriate to honor William Earle by discussing the subject of memory. Not only has he written engagingly on the topic of memory itself--as we shall witness at some length below--},
address = {Albany},
author = {Casey, Edward S.},
booktitle = {The Life of the Transcendental Ego: Essays in Honor of William Earle},
editor = {Casey, E and Morano, D.},
file = {:Users/michaelk/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Casey - 1986 - Earle on memory and the past.pdf:pdf},
pages = {179--192},
publisher = {SUNY Press},
title = {{Earle on memory and the past}},
year = {1986}

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