Using passive acoustic monitoring to assess humpback whale occurence and breeding activity around La Réunion Island. Ceyrac, L., Barreau, E., Modi, A., Estrade, V., & Dulau, V. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2018.
  author  = {Ceyrac, L. and Barreau, E. and Modi, A. and Estrade, V. and Dulau, V.},
  title   = {Using passive acoustic monitoring to assess humpback whale occurence and breeding activity around La Réunion Island},
  journal = {Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science},
  year    = {2018},
  pages   = {65-73},
  file    = {:Ceyrac_etal_SpeciaI_Issue_1_2018_WIOJMS.pdf:PDF},
  groups  = {TemporalAcousticComparisons},

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