Luminescent Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Medical Diagnostics. Chan, W. C. W., Prendergast, T., Bailey, R., Gao, X., & Nie, S. In Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics (2000), paper SuA4, pages SuA4, April, 2000. Optical Society of America.
Luminescent Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Medical Diagnostics [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
Highly luminescent semiconductor quantum dots (ZnS-capped CdSe) have been covalently coupled to bio molecules for use in ultra sensitive biological detection (Science 281, 2016-2018, 1998, and C&EN News, Sept. 28 issue, 1998).
	title = {Luminescent {Quantum} {Dots} for {Ultrasensitive} {Medical} {Diagnostics}},
	copyright = {© 2000 Optical Society of America},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1364/BOSD.2000.SuA4},
	abstract = {Highly luminescent semiconductor quantum dots (ZnS-capped CdSe) have been covalently coupled to bio molecules for use in ultra sensitive biological detection (Science 281, 2016-2018, 1998, and C\&EN News, Sept. 28 issue, 1998).},
	language = {EN},
	urldate = {2021-11-06},
	booktitle = {Biomedical {Optical} {Spectroscopy} and {Diagnostics} (2000), paper {SuA4}},
	publisher = {Optical Society of America},
	author = {Chan, Warren C. W. and Prendergast, Tara and Bailey, Robert and Gao, Xiaohu and Nie, Shunting},
	month = apr,
	year = {2000},
	keywords = {Cadmium selenide, Clinical applications, Fluorescence, Linewidth, Molecules, Quantum dots},
	pages = {SuA4},
	file = {Full Text PDF:files/2299/Chan et al. - 2000 - Luminescent Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Medica.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:files/2303/abstract.html:text/html},

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