The TGF-$β$-inducible miR-23a cluster attenuates IFN-$γ$ levels and antigen-specific cytotoxicity in human CD8\textsuperscript+ T cells. Chandran, P. A., Keller, A., Weinmann, L., Seida, A. A., Braun, M., Andreev, K., Fischer, B., Horn, E., Schwinn, S., Junker, M., Houben, R., Dombrowski, Y., Dietl, J., Finotto, S., Wolfl, M., Meister, G., & Wischhusen, J. J. Leukoc. Biol., 96(4):633–645, Oct, 2014.
   Author="Chandran, P. A.  and Keller, A.  and Weinmann, L.  and Seida, A. A.  and Braun, M.  and Andreev, K.  and Fischer, B.  and Horn, E.  and Schwinn, S.  and Junker, M.  and Houben, R.  and Dombrowski, Y.  and Dietl, J.  and Finotto, S.  and Wolfl, M.  and Meister, G.  and Wischhusen, J. ",
   Title="{{T}he {T}{G}{F}-$\beta$-inducible mi{R}-23a cluster attenuates {I}{F}{N}-$\gamma$ levels and antigen-specific cytotoxicity in human {C}{D}8\textsuperscript{+} {T} cells}",
   Journal="J. Leukoc. Biol.",

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