Microbial transfers from permanent grassland ecosystems to milk in dairy farms in the Comté cheese area. Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré, N, Karimi, B, Sadet-Bourgeteau, S, Djemiel, C, Brie, M, Dumont, J, Campedelli, M, Nowak, V, Guyot, P, Letourneur, C, & others Scientific reports, 11(1):1–15, Nature Publishing Group, 2021.
  title={Microbial transfers from permanent grassland ecosystems to milk in dairy farms in the Comt{\'e} cheese area},
  author={Chemidlin Pr{\'e}vost-Bour{\'e}, N and Karimi, B and Sadet-Bourgeteau, S and Djemiel, C and Brie, M and Dumont, J and Campedelli, M and Nowak, V and Guyot, P and Letourneur, C and others},
  journal={Scientific reports},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group}

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