An interplanetary type IIIb radio burst observed by parker solar probe and its emission mechanism. Chen, L., Ma, B., Wu, D., Zhao, G., Tang, J., & Bale, S. D. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021. Publisher: Iop Publishing Ltd Type: Article 2022-04-12 11:34:54 +0100
An interplanetary type IIIb radio burst observed by parker solar probe and its emission mechanism [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Type IIIb radio bursts were identified as a chain of quasi-periodic striae in dynamic spectra, drifting from high to low frequencies in a manner similar to type III bursts, which fine structures may provide a clue to a better understanding of emission mechanisms. The approaching observation of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft provides a new chance of probing type IIIb bursts in the vicinity of the Sun. In this Letter, combining the in situ measurement of PSP and the empirical model of solar atmospheres in open magnetic field regions, we analyze in detail a typical event of interplanetary (IP) type IIIb bursts observed by PSP, which was first reported by Pulupa et al. Our results show that the electron cyclotron maser (ECM) emission can probably play an important role in the excitation mechanism of the IP type IIIb burst and the formation of the fine striae structure may be attributed to the modulation of Alfven waves on the growth rate of the ECM instability.
	title = {An interplanetary type {IIIb} radio burst observed by parker solar probe and its emission mechanism},
	volume = {915},
	issn = {2041-8205},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.3847/2041-8213/ac0b43},
	abstract = {Type IIIb radio bursts were identified as a chain of quasi-periodic striae in dynamic spectra, drifting from high to low frequencies in a manner similar to type III bursts, which fine structures may provide a clue to a better understanding of emission mechanisms. The approaching observation of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft provides a new chance of probing type IIIb bursts in the vicinity of the Sun. In this Letter, combining the in situ measurement of PSP and the empirical model of solar atmospheres in open magnetic field regions, we analyze in detail a typical event of interplanetary (IP) type IIIb bursts observed by PSP, which was first reported by Pulupa et al. Our results show that the electron cyclotron maser (ECM) emission can probably play an important role in the excitation mechanism of the IP type IIIb burst and the formation of the fine striae structure may be attributed to the modulation of Alfven waves on the growth rate of the ECM instability.},
	number = {1},
	journal = {Astrophysical Journal Letters},
	author = {Chen, Ling and Ma, Bing and Wu, Dejin and Zhao, Guoqing and Tang, Jianfei and Bale, Stuart D.},
	year = {2021},
	note = {Publisher: Iop Publishing Ltd
Type: Article 2022-04-12 11:34:54 +0100},

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