Non-Asymptotic Capacity Upper Bounds for the Discrete-Time Poisson Channel with Positive Dark Current. Cheraghchi, M. & Ribeiro, J. IEEE Communications Letters, 2021.
Non-Asymptotic Capacity Upper Bounds for the Discrete-Time Poisson Channel with Positive Dark Current [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   6 downloads  
  author =	 {Mahdi Cheraghchi and Jo\~{a}o Ribeiro},
  title =	 {Non-Asymptotic Capacity Upper Bounds for the Discrete-Time {Poisson} Channel with Positive Dark Current},
  journal = {IEEE Communications Letters},
  year =	 2021,
  doi = {10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3120706},
  url_Paper =	 {}

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