Using Artificial Intelligence Planning Techniques to Automatically Reconfigure Software Modules. Chien, S., Fisher, F., Mortensen, H., Lo, E., Greeley, R., Govindjee, A., Estlin, T., & Wang, X. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1998.
Using Artificial Intelligence Planning Techniques to Automatically Reconfigure Software Modules [ps]Paper  bibtex   1 download  
	title        = {Using Artificial Intelligence Planning Techniques to Automatically Reconfigure Software Modules},
	author       = {S. Chien and F. Fisher and H. Mortensen and E. Lo and R. Greeley and A. Govindjee and T. Estlin and X. Wang},
	year         = 1998,
	journal      = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
	volume       = {Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-based Systems},
	url          = {},
	clearance    = {CL\#98-0171},
	organization = {Springer-Verlag}

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